Flaming Hypocrisy - NFL & Kaepernick
recent weeks there's been all sorts of hoopla surrounding the
so-called “demonstrations” these hypocritical imbeciles like
Kaepernick are taking part in. Now why is it that not a single member
of the media, nor any official of any of the professional sports
organizations, nor any one else in the spotlight, bothers to ask why
these clowns like Kaepernick run around in clothing provided by Nike
brand while collecting advertising money from the same, and not of
one of them is in the least bit concerned about the slave, child and
oppressed laborers Nike is exploiting in Africa, Pakistan, Indonesia,
India, and elsewhere?
is all the outrage and protests about the “evil corporation” of
Nike exploiting underprivileged people for profit? Oh, that's right …
they conveniently ignore those facts when those facts are what's
putting massive sums of money in their pockets! How convenient it is
that this Kaepernick clown doesn't say a word about the royalties
he's collecting on jerseys produced by Nike with his name on them.
Isn't it also amazing how these spoiled brats are so concerned about
“black oppression”, yet they don't say a word about all the black
folks that Nike and other other sports-funding corporations are
exploiting in Africa?
it not warrant asking the questions as to why these imbeciles lay
claim to being “African-American”, while not having the least bit
of concern about the real Africans being exploited for their personal
gain? And, doesn't it also bear asking why not a single one of these
Kaepernick clown types don't bother to say a word about all the
“minority” children being exploited as sex-slaves for sports
fans? Why yes, these “protesters” are so concerned about the
plight of others, unless it comes to admitting that the Super Bowl is
the single larges sex-slave exploitation and sex trafficking event in
America! Nope, the players and the NFL remain completely silent on
the matter, and even go so far as to prohibit journalists who would
ask these questions from even entering into press events. Isn't the
extreme hypocrisy simply amazing?
Outstanding observations, Mark. Especially about the slave labor making the Nike products, yet spoiled athletes misrepresent the Police on a day to day basis.