Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Solar Subsidies ... Wasting Taxpayer Money!

I posted the following on our local power utility's Facebook page in reply to people whining about wanting to get “government subsidies” to finance solar PV installations. Before you continue reading, just keep in mind that none of the things you enjoy in your daily life came about as a result of government subsidies, they came about because inventors and innovators creating things worked well and saved you time or money. If solar PV systems cannot produce an ROI (Return On Investment) either in dollars or energy, then why do people think that the government should confiscate money from taxpayers to fund things that waste energy, time, and resources? …

My Reply:
I was "green" before it became the "cool thing" and while we managed to survive the "imminent ice age" hoax, and now the "global warming" hoax ... the one thing they have in common with solar power plants, is that none of them have any facts to support the claims.

From Japan, to Norway, to Australia, to Iceland, to the USA, not one single utility-scale solar plant has prove profitable. The Ivanpah plant in California has not been able to operate without burning massive amounts of N-gas, and doing it exceeding inefficiently at that!

Government involvement has done nothing but stifle innovation by subsidizing technology, methods, and project we know will fail, while simultaneously prohibiting the implementation of technologies and methods that have been proven viable. Government has wasted massive sums of our tax money, and destroyed countless acres of land with solar and horizontal wind farms we knew would fail before they were even proposed. Meanwhile we have 1350 miles of shoreline and dozens of rivers and canals going to waste. Doesn't anyone else find it curious that government will subsidize small-scale solar projects they know will never produce an ROI, while at the time prohibiting low-impact hydro, and wave-pneumatic which are proven efficient and environmentally sound technologies? Private companies have been denied permits to construct those hydro projects, as well as vertical wind turbines, at zero cost to the taxpayers because they are proven to produce rapid ROI. Government is also the reason why over 18% of our total energy demand is being dumped into landfills rather than utilized! Not to mention that over 40% of landfill material can be recycled or repurposed if not for the hideously stupid government mandates!

Jimmy Carter created the Department of Energy, and in the thirty-nine years since October 1977 they have not only NOT solved the so called "oil crisis", but they've only managed to amass one vehicle for every employee, hire foreign workers instead of Americans, sell Energy Star stamps to the highest bidder, and make it so that "durable goods" which used to have an average thirty-year lifespan, now last less than five years while costing exceedingly more money! Just look at the massive waste of taxpayer money going on Bushnell*, and not a single thought was given to implementing thermal-solar into the massive heat-islands they're building that are going to increase the amount of energy required for cooling.

* Road and other taxpayer-funded construction projects currently happening in Bushnell, Florida.

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